My name’s Mark, and I
Live in Love Love to Live
Having four grown children and three grandchildren, I am currently on a path to share my story of my life’s hurts and experiences to provide healing to others. After years of living life for Mark Cammilleri, a life of leisure, without much meaning; I have dedicated my life to utilizing my unique gifts and talents to Help People Live Their Potential. I am convinced that these unique gifts and talents are to be shared freely from a complete place of love and vulnerability. And I believe that it is through sharing our stories, we provide medicine to the world. The world needs and is counting on us to share these as our authentic self.
I have joined the John Maxwell Leadership Group to receive coaching and training as I pursue my calling at the professional level. The style of speaking and coaching that I have adopted is one of transformation; I call myself a Transformational Speaker/Coach. My passion and joy comes from helping others reveal their past hurts, to become un-stuck and to begin their personal “hero’s journey” to living their life’s purpose. A life of fulfillment and meaning as they transform themselves from their current state of being, by shedding the programs that they have put on through life’s hurts and experiences, to live with more purpose and joy. A life where they are FREE to be the person they were born to be and to share their stories to provide healing to others.